EPOD Featured in Government Inquiry Report on North Island Severe Weather Events

22 May 2024
EPOD Featured in Government Inquiry Report on North Island Severe Weather Events

At FIRST72, our mission is to create resilient communities equipped to handle emergencies with confidence and efficiency. We are proud to announce that FIRST72 has been prominently featured in the Report of the Government Inquiry into the North Island Severe Weather Events, recognizing our significant contributions to disaster preparedness and response.

In July 2023, the Minister for Emergency Management established the Government Inquiry into the Response to the North Island Severe Weather Events. The Inquiry aimed to assess the effectiveness of New Zealand’s emergency management system and to identify lessons from three major events: Cyclone Hale (8 to 12 January 2023), the Auckland Anniversary heavy rainfall (26 January to 3 February 2023), and Cyclone Gabrielle (12 to 16 February 2023).

The Inquiry emphasizes ensuring that New Zealand’s emergency management system is well-designed to support readiness for and responses to future emergency events. Our recognition in this report underscores the role EPOD plays in preparing communities for such challenges. The Inquiry heard that “emergency pods were extremely useful to those Marae and communities that had them”. FIRST72’s feature included a photograph of our EPOD’s internal triage system and important emergency resources.

 “Being featured in the Government Inquiry Report is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team. It reaffirms our belief that well-prepared communities can significantly mitigate the impact of severe weather events and other disasters.” – Harrison McPhail, General Manager FIRST72.

Looking ahead, FIRST72 is committed to continuing our efforts to build stronger, more resilient communities. The recognition in the Government Inquiry Report motivates us to further innovate and expand our reach, ensuring that even more communities are equipped to face severe weather events and other disasters.

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